Regenerative Solutions for the Individual, the Home and the Community

Welcome to La Casa Integral


Facilitation Team

Complete Permaculture Design Certification Course (PDC) online and/or face-to-face, Diploma tutoring, Online Mini-Courses, Hydrological Design Training (small and large scale), Talks at Events and Conferences.

Design Studio

Stormwater, Wastewater, Hydrological Landscape Design, Earthworks, Regenerative Landscaping, Forest Garden or Edible Forest, Accompanying in the (Bio-)Construction of your Home, Thermal Inertia Stoves and Energy Resilience.

Demonstration Hub

We live in a suburban house with its plot of 1000m2 in the Vallalta, Alt Maresme, Barcelona, Catalunya. Here we apply all the #SABERES of an "Integral House" and we open doors on specific dates so you can visit us and get inspired.

"La Casa Integral" is an invitation to redefine the space we inhabit, to think of our homes and live on this planet as if it were our only home. Because it is.

Based on the design process that Permaculture provides us with, we offer a multidisciplinary project that generates a positive impact on society and the household economy.

We focus on the family home and the landscape in which it is located as the center for generating a new, responsible, regenerative and resilient culture.

We redefine the space we inhabit so that our passage on this planet has the smallest possible footprint, and so that we can regenerate the environment and increase our resilience.

We design homes and landscapes integrated into their broader context, we offer training and we open our demonstration hub for inspiration and learning.

Our design framework

#SABER(ES) for a possible future.

Food Sovereignty 
Resilience (personal and community)
Systemic Design

Our areas of action to achieve climate and community resilience are fully aligned with the 2030 agenda and the 17 UN SDGs, as well as with the European lines of action for post-pandemic economic regeneration.

We create together with

Activities and projects

Sharing the path to Resilience...

Solutions to everyday problems applying permaculture principles, examples of projects that regenerate the landscape, both around us and that inside of us, facilitation of courses and accompanying in processes, seminars, trainings, reflections on projects and designs we are working on… and much more we want to share in our blog section: the NEWS.

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Shall we talk?