Education for sustainability, resilience and participatory culture.

Pedagogical team

The people who are part of this project have extensive experience in Education for Sustainability.
We have accumulated more than twenty years giving trainings at national and international level, collaborating with associations, administrations, regulated and non-regulated educational spaces as well as with universities.

We offer intellectual, experiential and personal development experiences (Head, Hands and Heart) to generate a greater impact on the participants of our trainings and their circles of influence.

We use collaborative work tools to promote a group and participative culture, stimulating the creation of resilient “hubs” at local and bioregional level, opening also doors to our own “permahub” Can Cel.

The Pedagogical Team of La Casa Integral also nourishes itself by participating in other trainings frequently, thus enriching the training offer with the latest science and information and functioning as a multidisciplinary loudspeaker of this Emerging Culture towards Sustainable Development.

We increase the dissemination of examples of good practices, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Eco-Social Design with our communications in networks, on our blog and with online and face-to-face trainings.
We use a variety of digital platforms, increasingly opting for the most ethical ones, to reach out to include more people (people with movement difficulties due to being in charge of taking care of the elderly, children, animals, projects…) and to lower the emissions footprint of transportation.

We offer talks on the Hydrological Cycle at events and local festivals as well as lectures on the Permaculture look at meetings and fairs in the sector of Sustainability and Regeneration.
We actively work that network of professionals, both permaculture design and rather traditional trades, to learn as much as to share our experiences.

Permaculture is recognized by UNESCO as an educational tool for sustainability (Education for Sustainable Development, 2012) and we offer workshops for all ages in Educational Centers.

Introduction to Permaculture

An Introduction to Permaculture course for those people convinced that they can change their way of being and relating to the world, looking at nature as their teacher, and curious to know more about what Permaculture can offer.

Certified Courses

At La Casa Integral we provide, in classroom and online format, the internationally recognized Permaculture Certificate Course (CDP), as well as the necessary tutorials to obtain the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design.

We toast #SABERES

Our fields of action are collected in the #SABERES (for a possible future): Food Sovereignty, Water, Bioconstruction, Energy, Personal and Community Resilience, Education and Systemic. We honor at the same time that Permaculture was inspired by the ancestral knowledge of indigenous communities in Tasmania and around the world.

Training, lectures and workshops

We offer training, awareness and dissemination of permaculture and the holistic design it proposes. We present in educational centers, public and private companies, conferences and fairs, to empower society to face new challenges. As a key theme in all that we must and can redesign in our human habitats, we see the restoration of the Hydrological Cycle, and we are always happy to share a presentation on it.

The Integral House is not just a concept, it is a reality and it can be yours.

Design Studio

We offer professional services within the framework of just energy and ecological transition policies, so that each family can transform the place where they live into an island of resilience and improve their quality of life.

We develop participatory processes with our clientele to try to arrive at real solutions that they can implement, taking into account the Needs, Resources and Limits (NRL) of the family and the home, as well as their immediate environment and the community in which they reside.

By creating synergies with other experts we can cover the five key areas (#SABER) of an Integral House in its entirety, from Design to Implementation and Maintenance.
It is also possible that we cover more of a consulting role to the already contracted design and implementation team.

Introductory Consulting

Face-to-face or virtual visits in which we will give you "permacultural" ideas, resources and contact information, to rethink your home in key resilience. If you wish, we will prepare a small dossier with the main ideas discussed and more resources.

Housing Re-Design

We collaborate with architectural firms and professional guilds to offer you solutions based on Bioconstruction, Biophilia. With this we guarantee a reduction of your Ecological Footprint and an improvement of your Health.

Family Resilience Island

We design so that your plot or farm becomes an Island of Resilience, a Regenerative Space so that your Soil harvests Fertility and Water, your Home Solar Energy and Wellbeing. You will reap a higher Quality of Life.

Domestic Hydrologic Design

We apply special attention to Water, as we believe that Water is the Solution to Climate Change and the basis of all Life. We present Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for the supply, use, and regeneration of Water, as well as designs for a leisure space and Climatic Refuge (natural swimming pool).

A place to be inspired by a new model of home and life.

Demonstration area

The Integral House is a place where people can see, live and be inspired by what a single-family suburban home is like, redesigned to increase its energy efficiency, improving the health effects on its inhabitants, optimizing resources, lowering its water footprint, producing food and ultimately increasing the resilience of its residents.

Our house model contributes to the Climate Change Adaptation Strategies, as well as to the objectives of a large-scale Energy and Ecological Transition.

Based on methodologies such as those of a “Living Lab“and under the premise that people integrate what we live and experience, the La Casa Integral Demonstration Space (“Can Cel”) is intended to be a place of visits and regional reference where people will be able to see, touch, feel, ask questions, experience the integral experience and above all to connect with other people with similar concerns, thus contributing to social dynamization and to the construction of a culture that is more aware of the challenges ahead and better prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. develop solutions collectively as well as individually.

A systemic, integrative and integrating approach is the fundamental basis of this project, therefore a Demonstrative Space is closely linked to the way of explaining it.

We invite you to visit us at one of the open days we organize from time to time or to follow our Instagram account to get inspired to change your day to day life, starting with “Slow and Small Solutions”.

Building the Future

We show the different techniques and components that we implement in our home, within the design framework based on the #SABERES (Food Sovereignty, Water, Bioconstruction, Energy, Resilience, Education and Systemic).

Climate Solutions

People who visit La Casa Integral will be able to see scalable and replicable models to improve the metabolism of a house and thus contribute to the production of more energy than it consumes in its own home system.

Experiences and Guided Tours

Observation and experimentation of practices such as soil regeneration, rainwater harvesting and wastewater regeneration, food production, use of solar energy for cooking, etc.

Action and Volunteering

We open La Casa Integral for all people who want to come to learn and experience another way of being in the world, respectful with the environment, and who want to learn how to reduce their energy footprint, by doing.
