
“The nice thing about renewables is that they’re everywhere, so you don’t have to fear monopoly control in the same way that fossil fuels do” (Naomi Klein).

Climate change adaptation and mitigation scenarios, including the necessary energy decrease, force us to rethink the collection, storage and use of energy in our homes.

The sun is the main source of renewable energy, captured in a woodpile, in a solar panel or in the same solar ray that with its heat makes the wind move, heat our house in winter, and grow vegetation including our food, again energy for our bodies and their subsystems.

We offer and promote integral solutions that are as environmentally friendly as possible:

  1. Proposals for an overall reduction of a building’s energy footprint.
  2. Energy production and consumption systems based on the sun.
  3. Efficient photovoltaic and thermal installations.
  4. Design and construction of thermal inertia stoves.
  5. Use of Appropriate Technology.