
“Water is the driving force of all nature” (Leonardo da Vinci).

Because Water is Life.

Because we are 70% (approx.) water and we need water on a daily basis.

Because we cannot grow food without water.

Because it is not possible to create water, just as it is possible to cultivate soil.

Because there are more and more of us in the world who must share that limited amount of water.

Because desertification is gaining ground and we need to stop it.

We reduce our water footprint (lower consumption, collect rainwater and reuse wastewater).

We rehydrate our landscapes and restore the hydrological cycle so that rain falls on lush, spongy land, not over the sea, for example (land management, earthworks and aquifer recharge).

We cycle nutrients for more life. A circular economy based on the principles of Nature itself.

Our proposals:

  1. Integral hydrological design of a house and the land surrounding it. The same pattern for an agricultural project or rustic land.
  2. Optimal collection and storage of rainwater, both in tanks and ponds and in the landscape itself, nourishing soil microbiology and recharging aquifers.
  3. Promotion of a more careful use of water inside and outside the house.
  4. Regeneration and use of wastewater on the land itself, without polluting, increasing soil fertility, creating vegetation necessary for our livelihood and for the restoration of the hydrological cycle.