Education for sustainability, resilience and participatory culture.

Pedagogical team

The people who are part of this project have extensive experience in Education for Sustainability.
We have accumulated more than twenty years giving trainings at national and international level, collaborating with associations, administrations, regulated and non-regulated educational spaces as well as with universities.

We offer intellectual, experiential and personal development experiences (Head, Hands and Heart) to generate a greater impact on the participants of our trainings and their circles of influence.

We use collaborative work tools to promote a group and participative culture, stimulating the creation of resilient “hubs” at local and bioregional level, opening also doors to our own “permahub” Can Cel.

The Pedagogical Team of La Casa Integral also nourishes itself by participating in other trainings frequently, thus enriching the training offer with the latest science and information and functioning as a multidisciplinary loudspeaker of this Emerging Culture towards Sustainable Development.

We increase the dissemination of examples of good practices, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and Eco-Social Design with our communications in networks, on our blog and with online and face-to-face trainings.
We use a variety of digital platforms, increasingly opting for the most ethical ones, to reach out to include more people (people with movement difficulties due to being in charge of taking care of the elderly, children, animals, projects…) and to lower the emissions footprint of transportation.

We offer talks on the Hydrological Cycle at events and local festivals as well as lectures on the Permaculture look at meetings and fairs in the sector of Sustainability and Regeneration.
We actively work that network of professionals, both permaculture design and rather traditional trades, to learn as much as to share our experiences.

Permaculture is recognized by UNESCO as an educational tool for sustainability (Education for Sustainable Development, 2012) and we offer workshops for all ages in Educational Centers.

Permaculture Intro

An introductory course to permaculture for those convinced that they can still change their way of being and relating to the world.

Certified Courses

In La Casa Integral we provide, in classroom and online format, certified courses in Permaculture, as well as training to obtain the Diploma in Applied Design in Permaculture.

We toast #SABER

Our areas of action are included in the #SABER: Food Sovereignty, Water, Bioconstruction, Energy and Personal and Community Resilience.

Training, Talks and Workshops

We offer training, awareness and dissemination in educational centers, public and private companies to empower society in the new challenges.

Other services
Other services