Food sovereignty

“The revolution begins on the plate” (Vandana Shiva).

How a family, an entire community, can improve their diet, become more autonomous in dietary issues and lower the ecological footprint of their purchases, using their own landscape.

The Stockholm Resilience Centre shows us the nested systems as the “wedding cake” where food is what connects all the SDGs.

  1. How to produce quality food on a family scale, on your balcony, patio, garden or farm.
  2. How to design a diet adapted to the ecosystem around you and the other people (professionals) who grow food in it.
  3. How to be the best version of you by feeding your microbiome as well as the microbiology of the (living) soil, from which 95% of our food comes.
  4. How to regenerate the soil in your professional production project.
  5. How to support the network of producers in your area.
  6. How to take advantage of local resources and start recognizing “wild foods” in your context.