
“If you take for granted that there is no hope then you guarantee that there will be no hope. If you take for granted that there is an instinct for freedom, that there are opportunities to change things, then, perhaps, you can contribute to making the world a better place” (Noam Chomsky).

  1. Group Facilitation and Dynamization.
  2. Training for companies, citizens and technical teams of municipalities or schools in all SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and Regenerative Solutions.
  3. Holistic Education (Head, Hands and Heart).
  4. “Blended Learning” (We collaborate with Gaia YES! and BLAST, both an Erasmus+ project including/about the agenda of this type of Transformative Hybrid Learning).
  5. Training for Trainers (following the ethics and facilitation practice of two of our mentors; Rosemary Morrow and Julio Cantos).
  6. Design of “Regenerative Courtyards”. The schoolyard as an educational space par excellence where Nature-Based Solutions can be applied, lived and felt. From a vegetable garden to a rainwater harvesting system, everything can be a cross-cutting educational tool for Climate Action.
  7. Action Learning: learning based on the scientific cycle, from observation and analysis to experiment and observation again, learning by doing, adjusting the design according to our experiences.