
We seek to generate a positive impact on society by focusing on single-family housing as the center for generating a new responsible, regenerative and resilient culture.

We redefine the space we inhabit so that our passage has the smallest possible footprint, we can regenerate the environment and increase our resilience, thus designing homes that are truly integrated into their context.


We train and empower people who want to reduce their personal ecological footprint at home, increase their resilience to climate scenarios and/or re-design their careers and livelihoods towards the global goals of the coming decades.

We design and implementNature-Based Solutions” for homes, hotels, agritourism, homeowners’ communities, housing cooperatives, campsites, educational centers…

We provide a place to experiment, observe and share knowledge, inviting all sectors of the local community.
We offer experiences.
We offer local handicraft products and surplus grown in our Permahub and Living Lab “Can Cel”.

Our Mission and our areas of action are set out in the #SABERES for a better world and are aligned with the 2030 agenda and the 17 UN SDGs as well as with the European lines of action for post-pandemic economic regeneration to achieve to achieve climate and community resilience.

We meet our sustainability and regeneration goals by providing #SABERES.

Shall we talk?