Data collected

LA CASA INTEGRAL, is obliged to comply with the current legislation on the protection of personal data contained in the Organic Law 15/1999, and other regulations that complement and develop it.
The personal data provided by the User in the forms he/she fills in, will be treated in an automated way and incorporated to files whose owner is La Casa Integral. registered with the Data Protection Agency, on which security measures required by current legislation will be adopted to ensure confidentiality.
La Casa Integral will not communicate or transfer personal data to third parties, treating them with appropriate confidentiality.
Customers and users of La Casa Integral may, at any time, exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their personal data by writing to:

The Integral House
Av.Anadalusia 26, 08490, Tordera, BCN
(0034) 717709821

Or by sending an e-mail to the address , indicating the name and surname, user and telephone number with which you registered.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

La Casa Integral is responsible for

Who is the Data Protection Officer?

She is the person responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulations on the protection of personal data, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at the postal address of La Casa Integral, or at the e-mail address

How did we obtain your personal data?

We have obtained your personal data through La Casa Integral or by requesting that we send you promotional information about our activities, courses or workshops through the mail or form that you find on the web.

What personal data do we process?

The data we will process about you for the legitimate purposes explained below are as follows:

Data necessary to maintain the relationship with you:

      • Name
      • E mail

    We also inform you that the additional data that you voluntarily provide us during future relationships and interactions with LA CASA INTEGRAL, through the web, social networks or other application, will be treated with equal confidentiality on our part. The data we receive through other platforms or applications depend on your own privacy settings in them, use of the social network or application, as well as the privacy policies of each social network or application, so we recommend you read them carefully before providing data through such social networks or applications.

    What do we process your personal data for?

    To send you updates about our activity.
    To invite you to participate in courses, workshops and other events organized by La Casa Integral
    Additionally, we also process your data to send you communications, promotions or offers.
    You can object to receive this type of promotional communications, now or at any other time, by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address of our Data Protection Officer, or by sending a request to our postal address, to the attention of the Data Protection Officer.

    Why may we process your personal data?

    The processing of your personal data to send promotional information about activities, courses or workshops of La Casa Integral similar to those in which you have participated, responds to a legitimate interest of our organization and is authorized by current regulations.

    When and for what reason may we provide your data to third parties?

    Your data may be transferred to the recipients listed below, for the reasons explained below:
    Public Administrations: to comply with the legal obligations to which La Casa Integral is subject for its activity.
    Those transfers to third parties that are necessary to comply with the obligations arising from the activities and initiatives in which you voluntarily participate.
    If in the future LA CASA INTEGRAL carries out other transfers of personal data, it will inform you in due time.

    Do we make international data transfers?

    No, your data will be used solely and exclusively for the reasons stated above.

    How long will we keep your data?

    Your personal data will be kept as long as your relationship with LA CASA INTEGRAL is maintained and, after the termination of such relationship for any reason, during the legal statute of limitations that may apply. In this case, they will be processed only for the purpose of accrediting compliance with our legal or contractual obligations. At the end of the statute of limitations, your data will be deleted.

    What are your rights?

    You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability, limitation and/or opposition to the treatment, through the postal and electronic addresses indicated.
    Also, if you consider that the treatment of your personal data violates the regulations or your privacy rights, you can file a complaint:
    To our Data Protection Delegate, through the postal and electronic addresses indicated.
    Before the Spanish Data Protection Agency, through its electronic headquarters, or through its postal address.


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    Links to third parties
    This website may contain links to other sites of interest. Once you click on these links and leave our site, we are not responsible for the terms or privacy or the protection of your data on those other third party sites. Those sites are subject to their own privacy policies and we recommend that you check with them to confirm that you are happy with them.