The Integral House is not just a concept, it is a reality and it can be yours.

Design Studio

We offer professional services within the framework of fair energy and ecological transition policies, so that the people who hire us can transform their project, their house or their farm into an island of resilience and improve their quality of life.

We develop participatory processes with our clientele to try to arrive at real solutions that they can implement, taking into account the Needs, Resources and Limits (NRL) of the family and the home, as well as their immediate environment and the community in which they reside.

By creating synergies with other experts we can cover the five key areas (#SABER) of an Integral House in its entirety, from Design to Implementation and Maintenance.
We can also work collaboratively with the design and implementation team already contracted.

Introductory consulting

Face-to-face or virtual visits in which we will give you "permacultural" ideas to rethink your home.

Housing Re-Design

We collaborate with architectural firms and professional associations to offer you solutions based on Bioconstruction, Bioclimatism and the reduction of your ecological footprint.

Resilience Island

We turn your plot or farm into an island of resilience, a regenerative space for your soil to harvest fertility and water and for you to harvest food, health and well-being.

Hydrologic design

We pay special attention to water: supply, use, waste and leisure. We rehydrate the landscape. Combined with a vegetal / agroforestry design.

Other services
Other services